We encourage you to take an active role in helping with the many activities that make St. Dorothy School so vibrant and exciting! Studies indicate that children have a more positive academic experience if parents and guardians are involved.
Any adult who volunteers in an activity in which children are present is required to have on file at the rectory a Volunteer Disclosure Statement, PA State Police Criminal Record Check, PA Child Abuse History Clearance, Mandated Reporter Training, Volunteer Disclosure Statement & attend an Archdiocesan Safe Environment session. To find out more information please visit https://childyouthprotection.org/index.php/staff-volunteers/information-for-volunteers.Follow these steps to attain your clearances and volunteer:
1. Disclosure Statement for Volunteers having lived in PA for 10 continuous yearsAny questions contact Sue Phelan at: clearances@stdots.com
Alcoholic beverages must be absent in any school activities where parents and children are
present together. All volunteers must agree to refrain from alcoholic beverages while acting as a
volunteer at any school activity whether on or off campus. Schools are held to a very high legal
standard and those who are employed by and/or who volunteer their services in supervising
children must avoid even the appearance of impropriety. We respect the rights of adults to drink
alcohol but anyone who will not agree to refrain from exercising that right while supervising
students at a school activity will not be allowed to volunteer.