St. Dorothy School supports parents in educating children in the ways of the Catholic faith. We strive to help develop a strong spiritual foundation in your child through daily prayer, religious instruction, Mass and liturgical devotions. We also endeavor to help the children develop strong moral character, and we encourage them to become role models of Christian living.
At St. Dorothy School, religion is not merely another class. It is an integral part of our students’ educational experience. Each day starts with school-wide prayer lead by our Principal, Mrs. Karen Tomasetti. Each classroom has a fixed area for displaying symbols of the Catholic faith.
We are a community of faith, but our school is also part of the larger parish community. The mission of St. Dorothy School is to journey together to become the living body of Christ to one another and the world. Through God’s grace, St. Dorothy School attempts to activate a missionary spirit in its students. Opportunities to serve God – by serving one another, the parish, and local community – are provided and encouraged.
Our Catholic faith is rich in tradition and liturgical devotions. Our student body comes together, frequently with the greater parish community, to celebrate the many religious holidays throughout the year.
To honor the heritage of the Sisters of Mercy, all students participate in a Mercy Day prayer service to begin the school year.
Advent Wreaths are displayed in our classrooms. And, n celebration of Christmas, students perform songs in the church for our community.
On Ash Wednesday all students attend Mass and receive ashes. Throughout the Lenten season all students attend Stations of the Cross in the church every Friday. Students in grade 8 perform Living Stations of the Cross for the community.
In honor of the Blessed Mother, the entire school, with the parish community, participates in a procession and prayer service each May as well as a Living Rosary. Students in grades receiving sacraments wears their sacramental attire to acknowledge this.