If you need to contact me for any reason regarding your student's progress, please email me at joannedoc@stdots.com. You're also welcome to send me any notes in your student's folder, I will check them every morning. If you need to get a message to me or a student during the school day, and I am not available via email, please call the main office at 610-789-4100.
If your child will be absent, please call the office before 8:30 a.m. Leave a message that includes your child’s name, grade, homeroom number, and reason for absence. Review our Attendance Policy for further information.
CARES will begin on Monday, September 9, 2024.
For your child to attend the CARES program, all of the necessary paperwork must be completed and returned to Mrs. Callahan prior to attending on September 9th. All of the forms are available on the CARES section of the school website. The link to find these forms is https://saintdorothy.org/cares-forms.
CARES will begin on Monday, September 9, 2024, for the 2024-25 school year. Morning CARES begins at 7:00 AM in the main office. Please walk your child(ren) to the door and ring the doorbell and a staff member will assist you.
After school, CARES is held in the Church Annex from dismissal until 6 PM. For afternoon CARES, please ring the doorbell to the Church Annex and a staff member will assist you. Please have a photo ID with you when you pick up your child(ren).