All boys should wear a belt each day and proper school shoes. Sneakers are only to be worn on gym day. Girls may not wear leggings under their skirts; they may wear knee socks or tights of an appropriate color. All socks must be PLAIN (NO NIKE SWOOSH) black, white, navy, or forest green. Boys' hair should not hang over their collar. Violators will be given a dresss code violation**
HOMEWORK (From St. Dorothy School Handbook)
Educational research has shown that homework is an essential ingredient to academic success. Homework is assigned so that concepts and material previously taught will be reinforced. Homework includes both written and study assignments. Students should work independently on homework assignments and projects. While this does not preclude parental help or interest, the assignment should not require undue parental assistance or supervision. Parents should not complete the student's assignment because this action deprives the student of an important educational experience and it teaches them to be dishonest.
Following are the time allotments for homework:
Grades 1-2 -- 30 minutes
Grades 3-4 -- 60 minutes
Grades 5-6 -- 90 minutes
Grades 7-8 -- 120 minutes
A structured, scheduled homework period is strongly recommended, and homework should always take precedence over or other activities. The message should be that school is the number one priority.
A homework grade is incorporated into the subject mark at the end of each trimester. Failure to complete homework assignments will adversely affect the student's grade.
When students are absent, it is their responsibility to obtain homework and whatever else was missed. Regulations regarding this will be discussed in each homeroom early in the year. If, in an emergency, you must call the office for homework do so before 9:30 a.m., so that the teacher has ample time to gather the student's work and books for pick-up after 1:30 p.m.