Hot Lunch Program
J.D. McGillicuddy's will be providing hot lunch Monday-Friday this year.
PreK: Eat in classrooms and rotate recess schedule for playground
Grades K, 1, 2, 3 and 4
Lunch 12:00-12:20
Recess 12:20-12:40
Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8
Recess 12:00-12:20
Lunch 12:20-12:40
We are always in need of lunch monitors who can supervise the students during lunch recess. Lunch begins at 12:00 and ends at 12:40. If you are available, please contact Erica Henry at
We also ask for interested individuals to commit to a specific day each week and you will be paid a monthly stipend based on the amount of days you are able to help. Your clearances must be current and on file with the parish.
Dropping Lunches Off at School
If your child forgets or you are not prepared in the morning with a lunch we will have crackers or a pretzel available in the office. If you need to drop off a forgotten lunch, please be sure your child's name and room number are on it and leave it on the bench inside the front door. Interruptions for books and lunches only interfere with the learning of all class members, so we will notify the teacher if something has been left and they will send the child down when convenient.
No outside hot lunches are permitted. There is a hot lunch program available for K to 8th grades through the Home & School Association that is ordered and paid for online. Do not send cash in for your child to buy a hot lunch. The orders are placed on a monthly basis. Information will be sent via your weekly email communication from Home & School. Any questions regarding hot lunches should be directed to