This year marks the
15th Annual Hoops for Hope basketball marathon hosted by St Dorothy Parish.
The goals of this event are to promote awareness of cancer prevention, treatment, and symptom management, to help defray the cost of Catholic education for St Dorothy families affected by the disease, to raise money for cancer research, and to have fun. Although we will not be able to play the basketball games as we have done in years past, our hope is to continue to elevate an awareness of the impact of a cancer diagnosis. Our plan at this time is to have some type of an event, mostly during school hours, on or about Friday February 26th. Our hope is to have something in the spring as well.
T-shirts will be available by preorder only, worn the day of the event, with a cost of $10/shirt ($15 for larger sizes or long sleeve shirts) and can be ordered through the link from C&M below. The colors picked out by our 8 th grade class, Carolina Blue with yellow print, with yellow representing Childhood cancers.
T-shirts site is open through February 8th. Please consider sharing this information with family and friends. All proceeds will go to a scholarship fund to help defray the cost of Catholic school education for those families affected by cancer here at St Dorothy’s.
Any additional donations $$ most welcome with checks payable to St Dorothy Parish, mark envelope “Hoops for Hope” and drop at rectory or school.