St. Dorothy School is situated in a suburban area in Drexel Hill, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The school building is a secure three story building divided consisting of the gymnasium and administrative offices with two floors of academic classrooms. All licenses and certificates (including asbestos) are on file in the facility manager's office or principals' office for your viewing if needed.
Pre-K Building
Our new preschool consisting of three classrooms is in the converted convent that is located behind the main school.
Grades 1-8 School Building
The main school building consists of our gymnasium which is used for nearly all school activities including gym classes, assemblies, athletics and performing arts. It includes a basketball court and a stage for performances.
School Annex
Situated beneath the church, this houses classrooms for our kindergarten students, advanced math, computers, music and art, a library and a science lab. Other features include a space for our DCIU specialists as well as our religious education coordinators. The main section of the Annex provides tables for the students' lunch time. After school CARES takes place in the Annex.
Art, Library & Media Center
This reconfigured space in the annex encompasses books, video/audio resources, computer work stations and a reading area. Our art classes also take place here.