Advanced Math - Mrs. McMonagle
Calculator TI-30S or better - must have square root and percent button
1 pencil box/case with 50 shapened pencils - will be left in math room
1 box colored pencils - will be left in math room
1 box crayons - will be left in the math room
Small scissors - will be left in the math room
1 glue stick or liquid glue - will be left in the math room
1 marble copybook for class notes - RED
1 graphing copybook ( purchased in 5th grade)
2 folders (1 for classwork and 1 test folder)
1 12 inch ruler
1 cubby bin - 11 inch only (separate from the one in homeroom)
1 personal white board
2 white board markers
I white board eraser or old sock
1 Personal set of headphones
Wish list.... If you can spare:
Clorox wipes
Paper Towels
1 pack of copy paper