If you need to contact me for any reason regarding your student's progress or if a student needs to contact me regarding school work, please email me at jcallahan@stdots.com.
If you need to get a message to me or a student during the school day, in the event I am unable to check email, please call the school office directly at 610-789-4100.
I can also be reached by simply sending a note in with your child. Please make sure your child knows that you have sent in a note so that I receive it.
If your child is absent, please call the school before 8:30 a.m. Leave a message that includes your child’s name, grade, homeroom number, and reason for absence and check the Attendance policy for further information.
Our Homeroom Parent Representative for the 2024/2025, are coming soon and will be reaching out to you via email during the school year to coordinate volunteers and special events on my behalf. For further information regarding some of these events please check the Homeroom Parent Representative pages.