If your child is absent, please call the school before 8:30 a.m. Leave a message that includes your child's name, grade, homeroom number and reason for the absence and check the Attendance policy for further information.
Upon the child’s return to school, an absence note, which is required by state law, must be given to the homeroom teacher. The note should include the dates of and reason for the absence, signature of the parent, and the date note was written. If the child is absent for more than three consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required upon the child’s return.
Also, if you do need to pick your child up for an appointment, please also jot me a note. It is helpful to know this in advance, so that your child is ready at the stated time. Please let Mrs. Gordon know also. JGordon@stdots.com Thanks for your help with this request!
Recess: 12:00-12:20
Lunch: 12:20-12:40
WATER BOTTLES: Just a reminder that plastic water bottles are not permitted in school. Students are welcome to bring in a reusable water bottle.
Check the Homework Express page :)